Friday, September 9, 2011

It's been a while!

OK so it's been quite a while since I updated here...

Today is CD38 and as far as I know I still haven't O'd! It must be because of the stress of moving house. We moved on Saturday and it all went really well but it was stressful, of course. We're loving our new house, it's awesome! It feels like home now, well for the most part anyway. We love living here and so do our dogs! :-)

I'm kinda confused because on one of my charts the coverline got added today, which is kinda odd. I don't think I've O'd yet, but it seems as though my chart might think that I have.
Interestingly, it's given me the same value for my coverline as it did my last cycle. My temps have been so erratic this cycle that I really have no clue what's going on, so I guess we'll see what happens in the next few days. If it does think I've O'd, then in another couple of days it should put my O date on my chart. That's assuming that my temps stay above the coverline though, I guess. I really hope that I've either O'd, or I'm going to O very soon, or if this is going to be an anovulatory cycle then I hope I get my period soon so we can start again next cycle. Hopefully I'll have more of an idea of what's going on within the next week or so, maybe sooner. This cycle has been so frustrating! 38 days so far and no end in sight yet. If I have O'd already then I should get my period (or a BFP) by around 9/22.

My other chart doesn't have a coverline yet but if I remember correctly puts that in at the same time as the O date.

What crazy charts I have right now, huh?! =/

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