So now I'm confused. Unless I ovulated later than I thought, it's too late to be implantation bleeding. I just don't know anymore. Implantation can happen up to 12 days after ovulation, so I guess it's technically possible - yesterday was June 27th, so I would've had to have conceived on June 15th. We didn't DTD that day, but we did on June 12th, 13th and 14th so to conceive on June 15th is feasible I guess. If I ovulated on June 15th then that would make today 13 DPO... And if the spotting I had last night was implantation bleeding, then all the tests I took previously would have been way too early. You don't have hCG in your system until the fertilized egg implants in the uterine wall, so if implantation occurred last night, even the test yesterday morning would've been too early...
Of course that scenario contains a lot of ifs and it's probably more likely that I'm gonna get my period at some point soon. I can't completely dismiss the idea though - it's possible.
I feel as though I'm grasping at straws, though. It's not likely I'm pregnant, is it? If my period doesn't show up in the next few days then maybe I am indeed pregnant...
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