Wednesday, August 1, 2012


It turns out I did ovulate on CD15 - woo-hoo! I'm really happy that it finally happened at a "normal" time - this cycle should be 28 days if my LP is 13 days. Awesome! It sure beats ovulating on CD22 (like my last cycle).

I guess the next 10 days will be torture, as usual. I just hope that this time we'll actually be lucky and get the BFP we've been waiting so long for... If we did catch the egg this time there's a chance we'll know before my hubby leaves for his business trip, so that would be cool. Of course if this cycle ends the same way all the others have, he'll be out of town when I get my period. Lucky guy!


  1. Looking good lady!!! Cheers to the 2ww!!!

    1. Thanks, Ali! :) You're a few days ahead of me in the 2ww, so good luck to you, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you get good news!

  2. Fingers crossed for you! Your husband's got the business trip timing right, though, just in case ;)

    1. Thank you! He's so lucky to be away if this cycle fails, LOL! ;)
