Of course, all these 'symptoms' could just be my hormones, and not pregnancy hormones. I know it's kinda too early to be having true pregnancy symptoms. Implantation can happen as early as 5 DPO though, so it's feasible that could've happened 2 days ago and by the time I test tomorrow morning I could have a BFP! If I do I'm sure it'll be super faint, but a pink line is a line. If it's grey then it's probably an evaporation line or an indent. I'm truly not expecting to see anything other than the control line tomorrow, but I'm curious. It would be so cool if I do get a BFP! If I do I'll still re-test on Saturday (10 DPO) because the line should be darker. Heck, if I get a BFP tomorrow I'll most likely test again Friday, haha. It'd be interesting to compare them side by side and get a photo. I guess if I get a BFP I'll also use a First Response, but maybe not until 10 DPO. Wouldn't it be awful to get a BFP on one test and not on another?! I know that's happened for some women. A lot of people say Wondfos detect pregnancy even earlier than FRERs, but then there are some people who say the opposite. I guess it really depends! I'll stick with the Wondfos at least until later on, anyway.
Fingers crossed this is our cycle!
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